With snow falling overnight, only two riders turned out for our annual "Christmas Dinner Ride", and, deciding it really wasn't safe to ride, went for a walk along the canal bank instead.

We still had a good turn out for the Christmas Dinner itself, and presentation of awards at Rolls Royce Social Club in Barnoldswick.

Challenge Rides

After the meal, certificates were presented to those riders who had completed one or more of our five Challenge Rides, held throughout the year.
A special mention for John Ramsden, being the only member to complete the 50 mile Challenge Ride in appalling conditions.

25 mile  50 km 50 mile 100 km 100 mile

John Ramsden
Lesley Windsor
Andy Evenson
Karen Gibson
Steve Hepworth

Jim Duerden
Jackie Duerden
Pamela Prenton
Lesley Windsor
David Tinker
Harry Taylor
Chris Wallace
John Ramsden

Mark Clegg
Jim Duerden
Jackie Duerden
Jim Cooper
Aileen Ward
Mark Riley
Margaret Brown
John Ramsden
Lesley Windsor
David Tinker

Mark Clegg
John Ramsden
Dorothy Altham
Trevor Stansfield
Jim Cooper
Susn Whitehead

Congrtulations to all...

Any members who were not able to attend the Christmas Dinner, and would like their certificates, should contact Jim Duerden.


Next the Bill Heywood and Jack Harrison trophies were awarded to Mick Stone and Harry Taylor.  These are presented based on merit / services to the club as decied by the committee. As Mick was unable to attend the Dinner, his trophy was accepted on his behalf by Sean Kirkwood who will ensure Mick receives it in the next day or so.

Congratulations to both...