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It was a surprisingly warm day for January, averaging around 10 degrees. Seven riders started out from Lanshawbridge, and we were soon stopping to discard the winter layers usually required for this time of year..

Collecting Ray at Kildwick, we then headed down through Draughton, where rider leader Ian pointed out the village "trust" library, hosted in a former phone box.

We stopped at the Abbey Tea rooms for lunch, where we met up briefly with the riders on the long ride, including two new riders - welcome!.

It was too good a day to go straight back, so we then headed up the gated road from Bolton Abbey towards Embsay, catching a brief glimpse of a passing Steam Train.

The Dalesman at Gargrave then proved too tempting, so we stopped for a second time,with some riders enjoying coffee and scones, before heading home through Bank Newton and Thornton.
