No doubt many readers of "C.T.C. Notes" are wondering who and what the C.T.C. is, and in what way it caters for cyclists. Hence this attempt to enlighten them, and to show that it is to the interests of all cyclists, whether they are club or solo riders, or if they just ride a bicycle for business purposes, to be members.

First of all the cost. Ten shilling per year and one shilling entrance fee; 2½d per week for the privilege of having a
powerful organisation, well-equipped with funds, and continually watching and working in your interests. Should you be under
the age of eighteen. you may pay only six shillings per year, or if any other member of your family wishes to join they also are
privileged for six shillings. The junior and family members receive just the same benefits as the other members, with the
exception of the monthly gazette; and, finally, if you join in September you get fifteen months’ membership.

And now for the objects of the club. First, the defence of cyclists’ rights on the road, including the granting of legal assistance in regard to claims arising out of accidents.

Two. — The promotion in Parliament of legislation beneficial to cyclists, and the organised resistance of anti-cycling measures. The C.T.C. has always the assistance of one or more Members of Parliament pledged to represent cycling interests and voice the club’s opinions.

Three. — The appointment of hotels, farmhouses, and restaurants, camp sites, etc., where cyclists can depend upon receiving attention to their wants at reasonable charges, in most cases specially reduced to members.

Four. — The publication and sale to members at reduced prices of maps, road books, guides, and other literature relating to cycling, amongst which is the "C.T.C. Gazette,” an illustrated monthly magazine of the road, sent free to all members paying the full subscription.

Five. - The provision of special facilities for cyclists touring abroad, including the admission of cycles duty-free into foreign countries. The club, as a founder and member of the "Alliance Internationale de Tourisme,” enjoys valuable privileges, resulting from arrangements entered into with Continental touring associations.

Six. — The improvement of roads. The club deals vigorously with cases of bad surface, dangerous tram lines, excavations, and loose metal left unlighted at night, etc., and offers a perpetual reward to any person securing a conviction for scattering broken glass, thorns, or other puncturing substances on the road. The C.T.C. was mainly instrumental in founding the Roads Improvement Association, on which it is strongly represented.

Seven. — The appointment in towns and villages throughout the country of recommended cycle repairers. In all cases, the competence of an official repairer is specially vouched for, and the touring member employing him can rely upon good work at reasonable charges.

Eight. — The insurance of cycles and riders by arrangement with the leading insurance companies and underwriters. The C.T.C. policies covering theft of machine, accidental damage, and personal injury are the most generous obtainable. A special rebate of 10 per cent. off all premiums is allowed by the club to members, whilst every full, family, and juvenile member is covered free against third party risks.

Nine. - The obtaining of special travelling facilities for members and their cycles by rail, steamboat, etc., and many concessions in ferry charges, and in the use of private roads not available to the general public.

Ten.- The collection, classification and free distribution to members of reliable information respecting cycle touring, both at home and abroad. Tours in the United Kingdom and on the Continent are planned on request, and queries relating to all phases of cycling are dealt with by the club’s enquiry department.

Eleven.—The testing of inventions appertaining to cycles, tyres, and accessories, and the issue of certificates of performance relating to them.

Twelve.—The provision of local district associations holding runs, lectures, dances, and other social events, so that members are offered all the advantages of a private cycling club without any extra fee. Every member taking up residence within the area of a district association automatically becomes a member of that association and is entitled to all the facilities it offers. The association for this district is the North Lancashire District Association, and for the benefit of members is divided into sections, Nelson being the local headquarters.